Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Some crazy garbage called The Blood of the Exploited Working Class

I had my six month job evaluation last night. Here is what my boss said to me almost verbatim:

"I marked you down as 'Consistently meets or exceeds company expectations.' When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them, 'I babysit grown men.' Nobody has ever said anything bad about you and I don't have to babysit you. Thanks."

I signed a paper and that was the end of the evaluation. Probably the most honest and time efficient evaluation I've ever had.


Native Minnow said...

Isn't it about time for another 'Chronicles' post?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the other day if he wasn't writing any chronicles because he didn't want to hurt our feelings.
I hope this isn't the case.
I'm a can write.