I looked at one of the figurines and said, "Not if they are $35 each."
She said, "They are only $7.95 each."
I said, "The pricetag around the neck of this pilgrim says $35."
She said, "These Indians are only $7.95."
I asked, "Are you telling me the white figures are selling at $35 each and the Indians are only worth $8?"
A saleswoman overheard us and quickly explained that, despite the striking similarities between the figures, they were manufactured by two different companies who had set two different prices for their products. Still... the bottomline is $35 for whitey and $8 for the redskins. What a world.
"Lance Bass." *grin* "From NSYNC. He's GAY... tee hee tee hee tee hee."
And on and on the giggling went for a good ten minutes. I sat and stared thinking, "This man makes more money than me?" Now I can add, "This man has a job and I don't?"
N do I need APOSTROPHE T need this torture?
He said, "Yes."
I said, "Did all of the kids in your class leave early or was it just you?"
He said, "It was me and Destiny. The other kids were still cleaning up."
I asked, "Who is Destiny?"
He said, "A girl at school. She kisses me."
I asked, "On the cheek or on the lips?"
He said, "On the lips. I try to use my karate blocks. They don't work."
I took him back to the school to see why his teacher would allow him to leave school early and walk home alone and possibly find out more about the kissing. When I saw his teacher she just said, "You know what? Ethan just got up and left today. I need to talk to him."
I wanted to tear into her: "Why didn't you tell him to come back or go to look for him? Why didn't you call me to tell me he was loose out in the world?" Apparently she didn't even think to make any phone calls in effort to cover her ass. I guess if he showed up for school the next day, that would show that he was not dead in a ditch somewhere. You don't have to over-complicate these things. I decided not to waste my breath on the teacher. Instead I will cut her out of my life like a tumor.
Does this mean that the girls in Ethan's class are right if they say they don't want to play with him because "boys have fleas," or was it just you?
And if you want to see something that's so incredibly wrong it's funny, go to You Tube and watch Norm McDonald's take on the Crocodile Hunter's death as he's telling it to John Stewart.
I had my share of fleas in Portugal... :(
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