Friday, April 14, 2006

Olaf, Big and Dumb

I'm a little disappointed in our military. Here we are talking the big talk (just like the guys at work) against Iran but all we have to show is a tired army. And Iran has cool crap like flying boats! What advances has our military made in the past 20 years? The world's biggest SUV that still only seats four passengers? Not very impressive.

Come on brainiacs, come up with something good. USA, USA, USA!


flieswithoutwings said...

By the way, Fox News blows. This was just the first picture I found. Why does Fox News steal all the newscasters from CNN? Trying to buy credibility? And why do bad things happen to good people when they could happen to Jeraldo?

PsychDoctor said...

What about the terrorist-blasting Predator drones? They are pretty cool...

flieswithoutwings said...

I thought it had been established that BOMBING terrorists isn't really a feasible idea. They have a nasty habit of blending in with people we don't care to bomb. I think we can do better.

Native Minnow said...

You should come down to Vegas around June 2. I just found out last night that they're detonating a 700 ton bomb at the test site. They're trying to figure out a way to drop bombs that can collapse underground tunnels. Of course everyone's upset about the type of radiation that it's going to kick up, but come on people, it's a huge explosion - just enjoy it!