Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tried to Buy Stamps Lately?

I think it's because they are raising the price of a stamp in January. The postal service must not want to print up anymore $.37-ers. I went to the grocery store for no other reason but to buy stamps. They said the post office would not give them anymore until the first of the year. Target wasn't selling any. The stamp vending machine at the post office was conveniently out-of-order. At the next post office you could only buy them one at a time (up to ten). We still need to get bills sent off regardless of a price increase, postal people. Sheesh.


flieswithoutwings said...

That always sounds nice until you find out they want $10 per month to make your house payment online.

Gordon said...

At least you have the option. Out of nowhere our mortgage was sold a couple months ago to a company that doesn't even offer online payments at all, the dirty bastards.